All About Energy
Friday, March 8th, 2024 12:00pm to 1:30pm
: Online
Registration required for online viewing
The event is free and online! A link to virtually attend using Zoom will be sent to those registered the day before the event. Registration closes 11am on March 8.
Our next Green Bag Lunch will feature an energy packed presentation on the latest from speakers working to nurture CNY’s clean energy landscape. Featured speakers will include:
- Barry Carr, Coalition Director, Clean Communities of CNY, a US Department of Energy Clean Cities Coalition will focus on current and near-term clean transportation opportunities. www.ccofcny.com
- Lindsay Speer, Senior Energy Planner at the Regional Clean Energy Hub will share updates on EnergySmart CNY’s progress, available resources, and next steps… including what is known know about the rollout of the IRA rebates. EnergySmart CNY
- Avni Pravin, Alliance for a Green Economy (AGREE) Deputy Director will speak about current policy issues, activism and strategies. https://www.allianceforagreeneconomy.org/
Did you miss our previous Green Bag Lunches? You can access those on our YouTube Channel! https://tinyurl.com/yyl4jh9a