Junior Cafe Scientifique: Squirrels in Our Backyard: An Evolution Study
Saturday, April 13th, 2024 9:30am to 11:00am
: 500 S. Franklin St. Syracuse, NY 13202
Information and Registration
A continental breakfast will be available at 9:15; attendees must be seated by 9:30. RSVP by replying, with headcount, to jrcafe@tacny.org.
Presenter: Adam F. Parlin, PhD, Associate Wildlife Biologist, Postdoctoral Associate; SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry
Talk Overview:
Ever wonder why you only see black squirrels in the cities and rarely in the surrounding rural areas? This presentation will go over the evolutionary story that is happening right in your own back yard in Syracuse, NY on the coat color polymorphism of the Eastern grey squirrel. While there will be a brief history and overview, we will take an opportunity to actively test whether the grey or black fur squirrels blend in better with their surroundings with a ‘squirrel-n-seek’ activity.
Adam Parlin is a wildlife biologist interested in understanding how animals interact with their habitat and how that selection impacts the way individuals survive. He actively monitors animals in their natural environment using small tracking technologies in the field to answer his research questions. Currently, he is researching the ecological and physiological tradeoffs in coat color polymorphism of the Eastern grey squirrel.
Next TACNY Junior Café Scientifique:
May 18, 2024: Lisa Piering, OCRRA recycling specialist; Recycling and Why It Helps Save Natural Resources